
The jewelry-making classes taught in our 金属 Department include the traditional focus on technique and materials, 以及对当代概念的思考, 设计, 和实验.


Classes not listed here will either have required materials in the class description, 在第一节课上讨论需要的材料, 或者材料会被提供.




Tuition for 金属s classes covers basic studio supplies, 化学物质, 以及工具和设备的使用. Some classes include a limited supply kit unless otherwise noted. Students should anticipate additional fees for other tools, 金属, 以及他们的样本或项目的发现. 具体供货清单请见网站.


Limited open studio time for students to practice will be determined at the beginning of each term; dates and times will be discussed in class and posted. Students should be respectful to monitors and observe all studio policies and practices. Open studio is intended for students to practice techniques and projects covered in class; production purposes or outside work is not allowed.


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  • Click the '现在注册' button below to begin the registration process.
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  • 导航到你想要的课程. Click the 'Add to Cart' button associated with the course.
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珠宝 & 金属类- 2024年夏季


做一枚戒指需要什么? Construction of handmade rings will be the focus of this two-day course in 金属. Students will be introduced to the basic techniques of working with non-ferrous 金属s (copper, 黄铜, 和银), 基本手工工具, 锻造, 形成, 用焊枪焊接银, 表面修饰, 以及整理技术. In two days, students should expect to walk away with at least two finished projects. 注:我们提供双语教学. Includes a materials kit for projects covered in class; see *METALS NOTE. 请自带午餐.


Learn the fundamental techniques and tools used to create unique jewelry and small 金属 sculptures as you work through a series of projects focused not only on technique, 同时也鼓励个人表达. 所涉及的技术将包括锯切, 基本形成, 表面纹理, 银焊料, 铆接, ring-making, 表面处理. 注:我们提供双语教学. Tool kits and some supplies included; see *METALS NOTE and website for a materials list and links to sources.


This short course will cover basics of creating cuff and bangle bracelets out of copper, 黄铜, 或银. 学习如何形成金属, 使用液压机, 以及其他基本的金属技能,比如焊接, 表面纹理, 和生锈. Students should expect to create at least two finished bracelets. If students plan to use silver they will have to purchase 金属 ahead of time or discuss with instructor on the first day of class. 参见*金属供应说明.


Students will have hands-on experience in both the 金属 and Paper studios creating two wearable jewelry projects made out of original handmade paper mounted onto 金属 structures. Mills will instruct the class in the papermaking techniques of sheet 形成 and embellishment using plain and pigmented flax and abaca. Sortore will demonstrate the 金属smithing techniques of 形成 金属, 创建表面纹理, 以及铆钉等冷连接.


在这个后续课程的金属技能.1, 学生将磨练他们的锯法, 焊接, 形成, and surface finishing skills and apply those basic 金属smithing techniques to create more complex projects. Students will be encouraged to 设计 and fabricate independent projects and can anticipate completing at least two projects. 演示将涵盖各种技术. 参见*金属供应说明.


探索各种连接珠子的方法——从串线开始, 结, 用电线连接来做项链, 手镯和耳环. Different ways to finish the ends and use of different types of clasps and closures will also be covered. Along the way learn about the materials, and the tools and their purpose. Create your own unique 设计s from purchased or repurposed beads, 玩得开心, 最后会有几件新的珠宝. Includes some supplies; please see website for materials list.


For the advanced student wishing to pursue a new or continued topic of 金属working and/or jewelry-making or to create a small body of work. 虽然项目是自我导向的, the instructor will work with each student to assist with 设计, 审美, 和/或技术决策. Prerequisite: Students must contact Jill Sortore at jillian. for prior approval before registering and should have successfully completed of at least three 金属s courses or equivalent intermediate 金属s experience. 参见*金属.


Explore this ancient process of casting 金属 to create unique and individualized jewelry-scale objects in bronze 或银. The class will focus on carving a basic ring to run everyone through the entire process, and if time allows students can work on a additional project. 课堂演示将包括蜡制模型, 简易铸造模具, sprue attachment (or preparing the wax model for casting), 蜡烧坏了, and casting the molten 金属 as well as surface finishing. 材料将在第一堂课上讨论. 参见*金属供应说明.


Sand casting is a low-tech casting method using a reusable, ultra-fine clay sand mix that allows for small-scale single-use mold casting. This process allows you to quickly cast small objects or jewelry in bronze 或银 and unlike investment casting does not require a kiln or large equipment, 因此非常适合家庭工作室. 学习如何选择正确的对象来投射, 树立成功的典范, 熔化和浇注金属, 以及进行任何故障排除. You should expect to finish several components or pieces. Basic 金属 skills and finishing processes will be covered in this course. Tuition includes bronze casting grain for one casting; selecting or purchasing silver for casting will be covered. 参见*金属供应说明.

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